Author: Sarah
5 Common Beauty Blogging Mistakes (& Why Beauty Brands Come to Us for Rewrites)

As seasoned beauty copywriters and content producers, we often get requests from beauty brands asking us to rewrite articles because the ones they have aren’t generating results. Well-established brands with high-ranking blogs might notice their most recent batch of posts aren’t showing up in search results (or at all). Start-ups might notice their growing pool … [Read more…]
What Do Customers Care About the Most?

Your customers are the driving force behind your business. Without them, you would not have sales or new leads, which is why you need to try your best to please your customers. However, in the broad range of ways to keep your customers happy online, there are a few aspects you should focus more on. … [Read more…]
3 More Reasons Why Beauty Businesses Need Blog Content

As a beauty business and influencer, you have a blog, but creating content for it can seem like a chore after a while. You want to create and sell amazing products! This doesn’t always mean wanting to make a lot of words about other things. Why do you need blog content, anyway? Answering Questions One … [Read more…]
What Are the Benefits of Following Up With Customers?

A good business gives customers a great initial experience, but a great business strives to sustain the experience until the customer returns — and remains loyal. Part of this continuation includes following up with your customers. If done well, customer follow-up can be a great tool for your business. Makes Customers Feel Valued Above all else, … [Read more…]
How Brands Can Communicate Better with Their Audience

The most successful brands have excellent communication with their audience. They treat their audience as the unique individuals that they are, rather than a group of customers made up of dollar signs and revenue reports. Here are three ways that you can employ this type of successful communications with your audience. Keep it Simple Prioritizing … [Read more…]
How to Gain New Customers for Your Business

In today’s weakening economy, it can be more difficult than ever to gain new customers. However, with the right plan and execution, you can continue to grow your business through any type of economic turmoil. Here are three ways that you can gain new customers so that your company can continue to thrive in any … [Read more…]
Basic Beauty Tips: Should You Cover Them on Your Brand Blog?

Because there’s always new health research coming out or a hamster wheel of beauty trends and techniques to try, you might be tempted to skip out on dropping knowledge on beauty basics, such as skincare layering or exfoliating. But there’s always a market for this type of information. Here’s why. 1. Cornerstone Content Covering beauty basics not only … [Read more…]
3 Tried-and-True Ways to Attract Customers to Your Beauty Business

You’ve spent a lot of effort carving out your USP in the beauty space, and now it’s time to expand. Here are three quick tips you should consider to leave a lasting impression. Print Marketing Materials In the age of online marketing, many beauty business owners rely on websites and social media to brand their businesses. … [Read more…]
9 Beauty Marketing Buzzwords You Might Want to Reconsider

Decades ago, customers believed everything advertised to them. These days, people are a lot savvier and have access to a world of information at their fingertips — and they won’t be afraid to ask you for the truth. When you’re making certain claims for your cosmetics and skincare products, are you pulling wool over your … [Read more…]