Are you using content to promote your multilevel marketing (MLM) products or services? Whether you sell for health and beauty brands like doTERRA or Mary Kay, or for financial services brands like Transamerica, you know the importance of a sound marketing strategy. Without actively promoting your products or services, you’ll have a hard time attracting prospects and generating sales. However, content marketing can help your MLM business succeed.
What is Content Marketing?
Content marketing involves creating, publishing and promoting content on the internet. It’s classified as a form of inbound marketing because of its ability to attract prospects indirectly. Common channels used for content marketing include websites, blogs, forums, social media networks and video-sharing websites.
Search Engine Traffic
By publishing high-quality content on your MLM website, you’ll encourage higher search rankings. According to a study cited by HubSpot, 72 percent of marketers rank content marketing as the single most effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.
While Google uses hundreds of factors in its ranking algorithm, content quality and relevance is one of the most influential. So, publishing content to your website will help you achieve higher search rankings, which means more traffic and customers. If you want to reap these SEO benefits, however, you should choose a professional content marketing service instead of doing it yourself.
A benefit of content marketing that’s often overlooked is trust. Prospects are often reluctant to buy a product or service they haven’t used in the past. But if they trust the website or brand promoting it, they are more likely to buy it.
Content marketing can help you win the trust of your target audience. If you publish informative, engaging content, prospects will view you as being a thought leader.
Social Shares
Content marketing also attracts social media shares. Whether it’s an article, blog post, video or infographic, users may share your content on social media. And with every share your content receives, your MLM business will receive more exposure.
Content marketing is a powerful tactic for independent distributors to grow an audience and build inbound leads. It encourages higher search rankings, creates a trustworthy image, attracts social shares and can even be used to drive dropshipping traffic.
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