The 7 Blunders of Beginning Entrepreneurs

Business Kid in Glasses

It is not easy to succeed in any business. There exist numerous challenges that every startup entrepreneur will experience before their enterprises start becoming profitable. One of the most significant areas that beginners should pay enough attention to is marketing. However, it is in this area where some businesses lose it all even before they … [Read more…]


Best Practices When Writing A Blog Post


Content marketing is a major component of practically every brand’s strategy. Your blog gives you the opportunity to connect with your audience, promote your products or services, and showcase your expertise. Here’s how to craft a great blog post that adheres to tried-and-true best practices. Avoid Over-Promotion Your blog content should provide the reader with … [Read more…]


Freelance Copywriter for Beauty, Health and Wellness Brands

Welcome to my newly revamped site? Are you as excited as I am? (Probably not.) Either way, please let me e-introduce myself to you. I write web copy, product descriptions, blog posts, e-newsletters and more for lifestyle brands, particularly beauty, health and wellness companies. Recent clients include DaLish Cosmetics, an eco-beauty line, HairMax, a hair growth … [Read more…]
