Sometimes, product descriptions are the last chance you have to convince customers to click “Buy.”
You have your checklist: Make the product descriptions easy to read, including some nice bullet points and a large-enough font. Emphasize the benefits over features. List all the ingredients and Directions For Use. Maybe slap on a customer testimonial.
As many beauty products within one brand contain the same ingredients, and since many products tout similar benefits (“Glowing skin! No more wrinkles/blemishes!”), product-description writing becomes tedious and redundant. Most writers dread them.
Fortunately, you can produce great descriptions without boring yourself to tears. All it takes is a bit of imagination.
All you need to ask yourself is, “After the customer uses this product, what compliments do they want to hear?”
Customers buy beauty products so they can see the results outside in the real world. They don’t necessarily understand the chemical reactions their skin experiences on a cellular level, and how their cheeks suddenly illuminate a rosy glow, scientifically speaking. This absolutely doesn’t mean you shouldn’t explain HOW your products work, but tapping into their true desires — a longing for outward beauty — will make your product descriptions sing.
So try to dig deeper into your customers’ minds and unearth their superficial side. You’ll be amazed at what you find.