Marketing Your Beauty Product Through Its Ingredients


In the latest issue of GCI, Associate Editor Abby Penning penned a great article titled “Addressing Desires of Target Customers Through Ingredients,” describing how beauty brands should tailor their messages of ingredient benefits based on their target customers’ needs and wants, as well as the context in which the products is being marketed. Below are a few notable quotes I think all beauty brand marketers should take in and make note of.


(Unless otherwise cited, all quotes are from Ms. Penning herself.)


Beauty ingredients can often satisfy a range of different customers — it’s just about how they’re used and presented, as well as what claims are played up.


The global marketplace has made ingredients more international, meaning beauty brands would do well to learn about the ingredients that are hot in other parts of the world.


Personalization is a continuing trend in beauty and has even reached ingredients, although much of that personalization is from a good understanding of the desire of a beauty product’s target customer.

Whether the market area already exists or you are uncovering a new niche, you must always start from the customer’s point of view and address what they need and want. – Anu Desikan, global marketing manager for personal care, Clariant.


…familiarizing customers with new ingredients and claims benefits can require different marketing tactics based on the audience.

The popularity of some ingredients has to do with if the plant is native to the area, so familiarity plays a big role. – Brien Quirk, technical director, Draco Natural Products


There are certainly different regional preferences, but there are also certain ingredients that go across regions. For example, skin-lightening ingredients tend to be more popular in Asia, but anti-aging ingredients are used globally. – Rob Richardson, vice president and general manager, Active Organics


It really goes back to telling the story and having your marketing being able to clearly articulate why this ingredient is essential to your product line and what it is supposed to be doing or affecting. – Rebecca Morton, marketing manager, TRI-K


If we are looking to to introduce an ingredient that is completely new to a market, we rely more heavily on marketing to create and develop a story about what this ingredient is, what it does, as well as where it comes from and what benefits it has. You need to give consumers a reason to believe in the product. Rebecca Morton, marketing manager, TRI-K


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