We can help you evaluate and strategize your content marketing plan for the entire year so you can make meaningful progress toward achieving your business goals.
Because each business has its unique set of content marketing needs, we do not offer pre-determined packages. Rather, we will speak with you first and prescribe something for your business and your business only. Below are a few projects we may work on together:
Content Organization
Do you lack a plan of what to do with the whirlwind of great information that’s stored in your head (or scattered in disorganized Word files in your MacBook)? Do you have no plan at all? We’ll help you sort it all out and determine what’s best fit for your business and in what ways you can share it.
Q & A
In order to execute a successful content marketing plan, you need to ask yourself the right questions. Who is your desired target audience? What is the buyer persona? What is your content marketing mission statement? What is the ultimate business goal? We’ll make sure you don’t miss any of the important questions to jumpstart your plan.
Editorial Workflow Management
We’ll develop and organize your pipeline of great ideas so you can manage your editorial calendar. That way, you never run out of ideas for ways to impress your customers and future fans.
Social Media Marketing
What’s content if you don’t share it (and if nobody sees it)? Social media is a prime tool to get your word out there and, so, it goes hand in hand with your content marketing plan. But it isn’t just about linking your latest blog post or SlideShare masterpiece to Facebook — you need to make sure your posts, timing, frequency and everything else makes sense within your overall plan. We can help you manage this regardless of which stage you’re at.
Contact us at info {at} sarahban {dot} com if you’d like to get started or have any questions at all.