Best Practices When Writing A Blog Post

Content marketing is a major component of practically every brand’s strategy. Your blog gives you the opportunity to connect with your audience, promote your products or services, and showcase your expertise. Here’s how to craft a great blog post that adheres to tried-and-true best practices.

Avoid Over-Promotion

Your blog content should provide the reader with value, even if you want to slip in some promotion here and there. Mostly, though, what you post on your blog should show your expertise. A call-to-action at the end of your blog post or a link in your content is fine, but don’t turn your blog post into an advertisement – you’ll lose readers and potential customers.

Copyedit the Smart Way

If you can, hire someone to be your second pair of eyes. If you can’t, though, consider copy editing your blog post the day after you write it so that you look at it with fresh eyes. It’s easier to catch mistakes if you haven’t been staring at the same words for the past two hours.

Maintain a Content Calendar

It’s hard to create a short blog if you don’t have a content calendar. Your content calendar should include a minimum of three topics per week, and you should leave space to comment on current events and newsworthy content. Real-time content shows your audience that you’re paying attention to what’s going on around you and that you’re aware of how it affects them.

Stick to Main Categories

Every time you write a blog post, it should somehow connect to your blog’s overall theme and the few main categories you’ve chosen for it. For example, if you run a personal finance blog, it won’t fit your audience to write a review of a movie you just saw, no matter how much you want to comment on it. By limiting yourself to a few related categories, you’ll reach a more invested and engaged niche audience.

Quality Matters More than Quantity

Your word count is only as important as the actual words you use. While you may want a long read of 2,000 words, you have to make sure that those 2,000 words are providing value to the user. If they aren’t, there’s nothing wrong with scaling back to 1,000 or even 600 words. Remember, quality counts more than quantity (and this also applies to how frequently you post).

Your editorial calendar can easily get out of hand if you don’t manage it closely, but so long as you stay organized and adhere to your schedule, you’ll be able to maintain a great content marketing strategy.



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